
Do Follow Links Vs No Follow Links

Understanding and Utilizing Them in SEO

Do Follow Links Vs No Follow Links


In the vast world of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), backlinks serve as crucial signposts that guide search engines and users alike. They are the bridges connecting different webpages, creating a cohesive and navigable web of information. But not all links are created equal. With varying impacts on SEO, "Do Follow" and "No Follow" links are two key players you must understand to optimize your website's visibility and ranking. So, let's delve into these concepts and learn how to use them effectively.

Definition of Do Follow and No Follow Links

In the simplest terms, Do Follow links are the standard backlinks that act as a vote of confidence from one website to another. They signal to search engines that the linked content is credible, valuable, and worth ranking. By default, all links are do follow unless they are manually modified.

On the other hand, No Follow links tell search engines not to consider them as endorsements. Introduced by Google in 2005, the no follow attribute (`rel="nofollow"`) was designed to combat spammy links and maintain the integrity of web content.

Importance in SEO

The way search engines interpret do follow and no follow links significantly affects your website's SEO performance.

When a search engine's crawlers encounter a do follow link, they follow it to the linked website and pass on link equity or 'link juice'. This process can boost the destination site's search engine ranking.

No follow links, however, do not pass on link equity as they instruct crawlers not to follow the link to the target page. While they do not contribute directly to your SEO ranking, they can still drive traffic to your site and increase visibility, which indirectly influences your site's performance.

How to Use Them Effectively

Strategies for Acquiring Do Follow Links

  1. Create High-Quality Content: Producing unique, valuable content is the most organic way to earn do follow links. If your content is insightful and beneficial, other websites will naturally want to link to it.
  2. Guest Blogging: Writing guest posts for reputable blogs in your industry can help you acquire do follow backlinks. However, ensure your focus is on providing value to the audience, not just link building.
  3. Building Relationships: Networking with influencers, bloggers, and other industry professionals can open opportunities for natural link exchanges.

Best Practices for Implementing No Follow Links

  1. Paid Links: If you're paying for a link or an advertisement, it's best practice to use no follow tags. This avoids violating Google's guidelines on link schemes.
  2. Comments and Forums: Links in comments or forum posts should be no follow to prevent spam and maintain the quality of your site.
  3. Untrusted Content: If you're linking to a site that you don't entirely trust, use a no follow link to avoid vouching for content you're unsure of.

Common Misconceptions and Mistakes

There are several myths surrounding do follow and no follow links that can lead to mistakes in SEO strategy.

  • Myth 1: No Follow Links Have No Value: While it's true that no follow links don't pass on link equity, they still hold value in terms of driving traffic and increasing visibility.
  • Myth 2: More Do Follow Links Equals Higher Ranking: Quality trumps quantity in link building. A few do follow links from high-authority sites can be more beneficial than numerous links from low-quality sites.


In the intricate dance of SEO, do follow and no follow links each play their own unique role. Understanding the differences and knowing how to utilize them effectively is key to a successful SEO strategy. It's not about choosing one over the other, but rather about finding the right balance. Remember, your goal shouldn't be solely to optimize for search engines but to provide value for your users. A balanced link profile, reflecting the natural interconnectivity of the web, can contribute to a beneficial and enriching user experience. So, keep exploring, learning, and adapting to the ever-evolving world of SEO.
